Oh! That Aunt Deborah?
I'm only a Country Mouse, but I prefer to banish evil memories of indolent intellects.
Still, we did stir up a fuss, did we not?
I remember her well, Phoenix. She was entertaining, no?
Swimpy- She sure was. I always wondered if her company ever canned her. After awhile, she was so obvious, it was a joke.
Quite a fuss.
I admit to some sympathy for her, though -- she really thought she was just doing her job. (To create interesting questions that would spark discussion and lead people to the forum you mention from her site -- not a bad goal.) She just didn't get that people would pay attention and retain details, and that that would be a problem if she wrote it all in the first person. ("I have a 6 month old who won't sleep" vs. "What are some ways to get a 6 month old to go to sleep?")
My word. I vaguely remember, Auntie, but I can't recall the circumstances except that there was someone who kept saying she hated her mother, and Deborah responded.
Yikes, Phoenix, and I thought that I had a good memory.