@TimeTravel ,
Here in British Columbia, we are right in the midst of having smart meters installed. The job is well underway, with completion probably in a few more months.
Lots of controversy here for various reasons, but the one that gets me going is the possibility that "time of use" billing will be put into play at some point. In other words, you'll get a discount if you use electicity at non-peak hours. I can just see it: "Sorry kids, you can't eat for a couple of more hours until it's cheaper for us to turn the stove on".
TimeTravel wrote:
They should have taken the approach of spreading propaganda stating that the old meters have been overcharging people when they wear out ...
I was a meter reader for 20 years, and I can tell you right now, that line won't wash.
If anything, as a meter ages, it may slow down, not speed up. So, in other words, you would be paying less with an aging meter.
Nice try though!