Romney is a Pathological Liar - No Thinking American Can Trust A Word He Says
by keepemhonestFollow
There is one thing Mitt Romney cannot Etch-A-Sketch away and that is this:
Mitt Romney is a Pathological Liar.
Ok, everyone reading knows that in 2008 neither President Obama nor President Bush, ever took Mitt Romney's advice regarding the Auto Rescue Plan.
Fact is, weeks before Mitt even wrote his, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt Article" President-Elect Obama had been meeting with then-President Bush discussing a Plan to: Restructure Management for Auto while giving Auto a Bridge Loan so Auto could continue operations during Restructuring.
What that means is: Mitt had not even chimed into the Auto Rescue debate until after the media reported President-elect Obama's ideas of long-range plans for Retooling and Restructuring Auto coupled with a Govt backed Bridge Loan so Auto could keep operating during their retooling and restructuring.
Politician's lies regarding "Issues" are bad enough, but Mitt Romney takes your typical, disgusting Political lies to a higher level - a level at which most psychiatrists would call Pathological.
Mitt Romney lies so much and at lightening speed that it is difficult to even keep track of all of his lies in a real-time manner. Everything Mitt says about his life's events are swirled in a series of lies.
As with most Pathological Liars, Mitt Romney concocts lies in public to make people believe his 'new' story. Romney invents new stories about his life so his life's events can top everyone else's events.
Also, another trait of a Pathological Liar is they never admit their lie and get very defensive when confronted with one of their lies.
For instance, in order give African Americans the "Illusion" that Mitt has deep roots in Civil Rights issues:
Romney told a bold-faced lie and said: "I saw my dad march with Martin Luther King in Detroit."
When Mitt was confronted about his lie in 2007, Mitt kept the lie up and insisted that he did, in fact, "saw" his dad march with Martin Luther King in Detroit.
2007: First Read published
A defensive Romney was peppered with questions today on exactly what he meant when he said -- most recently on Meet the Press -- that he "saw" his father march with Martin Luther King Jr.
Admitting that he didn't see the march with his own eyes, he said, "I 'saw' him in the figurative sense."
ROMNEY: "The reference of seeing my father lead in civil rights, and seeing my father march with Martin Luther King is in the sense of this figurative awareness of and recognition of his leadership."
If Romney were not a Pathological Liar, Mitt would have simply said, "Martin Luther King was a great leader for Civil Rights." But, Mitt is a Pathological Liar so he swirled the events of Martin Luther King into lies to include his own family history.
The First Read Article went on to say:
ROMNEY: "I've tried to be as accurate as I can be," smiling firmly. "If you look at the literature or look at the dictionary, the term 'saw' includes being aware of -- in the sense I've described."
The questioning did not relent:
ROMNEY: "I'm an English literature major, when we say I saw the Patriots win the World Series, it doesn't necessarily mean you were there." (He meant the Super Bowl, of course.)
True, if I saw the Patriots win a game, it does not mean I was "at" the game. But it does mean, the game was actually played and the Patriots actually won.
In Mitt's Lie, "I saw my dad march with Martin Luther King in Detroit." -- there is nothing factual about it. Mitt's dad did not actually walk with MLK so to say he "saw" his dad march with MLK is a blatant lie.
Mitt continued to insisted his lie was not a lie but was the truth:
ROMNEY "If now and then I miss a word or I get something slightly wrong, I'll correct it, acknowledge what's wrong. But the overall thrust, the overall meaning of the story is very accurate."
"Very accurate" ... huh? There is nothing even remotely "accurate" in Mitt's lie.
Because Mitt is a Pathological Liar he refused to admit he was "wrong" or "misspoke about the past" - no, none of that, but because Mitt Romney is a Pathological Liar Mitt said, "the overall meaning of the story is very accurate."
No Mitt, there is nothing accurate about your lie.
Romney said, "I'll take a lot of credit for the Auto recovery." Holding steadfast to the traits of Pathological Liars, Mitt took actual events of President Obama swirled the events of President Obama into lies to include his own history.
Here are the facts - notice President-elect Obama had already highlighted his plan to restructure auto before Mitt Romney wrote his "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."
Timeline of President-Elect Obama's Auto Rescue Plan:
November 10, 2008
"Obama Asks Bush to Provide Help for Automakers" By JACKIE CALMES
Mr. Obama has signaled to the automakers and the unions that his support for
short-term aid now, and long-term assistance once he takes office, is contingent on their willingness to agree to transform their industry.
Mr. Obama said he would instruct his economic team, once he chooses it, to devise a long-range plan for helping the auto industry recover
Mr. Obama has called on the Bush administration to accelerate $25 billion in federal loans provided by a recent law specifically to help automakers retool.
~ New York Times
Keywords: "Retool," "long range plan," "transform their industry" which are all part of Managed Bankruptcy.
November 11, 2008
CANDY CROWLEY: Sources on the Obama transition team say the president-elect urged President Bush to take quick action to help the auto industry. Obama thinks the aid could be coupled with ... someone with the authority to push for industry reforms he has talked about recently.
~ CNN Transcript
November 12, 2008
If Congress falls short on the auto industry loans during the lame-duck session next week, the Obama administration has promised there will be strings attached to a bailout for Detroit.
~Politico By Patrick O'Connor & Ryan Grim
CNN Reported:
President-elect Obama is weighing in quietly. I mean, we do know that he was urging President Bush about the auto industry, that he talked to him about a car czar, sort of overlooking improvements in how the auto industry does business and what it produces. He's also talked to the leadership on Capitol Hill about what he'd like to see in some of these packages.
November 16, 2008
OBAMA: "my hope is that over the course of the next week, between the White House and Congress, the discussions are shaped around providing assistance but making sure that that assistance is conditioned on labor, management, suppliers, lenders, all the stakeholders coming together with a plan ... So that we are creating a bridge loan to somewhere as opposed to a bridge loan to nowhere. And that's, I think, what you haven't yet seen."
~ CBS 60 Minute Interview
In that same 60 Minute Interview, Mr Kroft asked Obama about Bankruptcy for Auto.
KROFT: Are there a lot of people that think that the country would probably be better off and General Motors might be better off if it was allowed to go into bankruptcy?
OBAMA: Well, you know, under normal circumstances that might be the case in the sense that you'd go to a restructuring like the airlines had to do in some cases. And then they come out and they're still a viable operation. And they're operating even during the course of bankruptcy. In this situation, you could see the spigot completely shut off so that it would not potentially permit GM to get back on its feet. And I think that what we have to do is to recognize."
~ CBS 60 Minute Interview
November 17, 2008
When asked if a bankruptcy declaration by any of the auto companies would be acceptable to the White House, [Dana Perino] responded that would be "the companies' decision."
President-elect Barack Obama supports direct aid for the Big Three, but he has said taxpayers should be protected too. The hangup is whether to insist that loans or loan guarantees be conditioned upon an assessment of "financial viability" over the next 10 years as under the Energy Department loan guarantee program or not, as under TARP.
November 18, 2008
Mitt Romney Writes: "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"
"Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" By Mitt Romney
IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.
Without that bailout, Detroit will need to drastically restructure itself. With it, the automakers will stay the course — the suicidal course of declining market shares, insurmountable labor and retiree burdens, technology atrophy, product inferiority and never-ending job losses. Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check.
[D]on’t ask Washington to give shareholders and bondholders a free pass — they bet on management and they lost. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs."
Notice, Romney is adamant in 2008 when he pens do not give Auto Industry one penny during Bankruptcy even if it meant Americans lose their jobs during the Great Recession.
Mitt Romney is lying with the aid of his Etch-A-Sketch Lens, and falsely claiming that Obama used Mitt Romney's Bankruptcy "Advice" and that it was Mitt's Bankruptcy Plan that saved the Auto industry.
Even worse than Mitt Romney lying is that Romney seems almost pathological with his lies as it appears that Mitt Romney is trying to "Steal" President Obama's Auto Rescue Plan and claim it as his own.
... because as we can see, facts clearly show President Obama's Auto Rescue Plan is not even remotely close to anything Mitt Romney "Advised" Congress to do in 2008 or 2012.
- My dad marched with MLK
- 2007: The NRA endorsed me
- I've always been pro-life
- 1994: At Bain, I created 10,000 jobs
- 2012: At Bain, I created 100,000 jobs.
- I launched Staples
- President Obama hasn't created any new jobs
- President Obama made the economy worse
- I lived in apartments that had no toilets
- I lived in apts that had no refrigerator
- I saved the Olympics
- I Founded Bain Capital
- The economy should be creating 500,000 jobs per month
- President Obama hiked Corporate Taxes
- President Obama hiked taxes on small business
- I did not raise taxes in Massachusetts
- My wife cried the first time I argued with her so I never argued again
- I have never supported stem-cell research
- My dog loved being strapped on top of the car for 12 hours
- My 5 boys serve their country by helping me be elected as President
- I would have ordered the SEALs to enter Pakistan to kill bin Laden
- any thinking American would have ordered the SEALs to kill bin Laden in Pakistan
- I never said I support life at conception
- I never said I didn't support the Blunt Amendment
- My economic plan is not Bush/Cheney plan
OMG - the list of Romney's lies is much longer than the one I posted ...
The bottom line is: No thinking American can ever trust a single, solitary word that comes out of Mitt Romney's mouth because Mitt Romney is a Pathological Liar.
The last time Americans got Pathological Liars in the White House - it cost Americans $4 Trillion Dollars searching for imaginary WMD and over 500,000 innocent men, women and children dead.
Andrea M Saul Pathological Liar
Eric Fehrnstrom Pathological Liar
Mitt Romney Liar
Mitt Romney Pathological Liar
Romney liar
Romney Pathological Liar
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22 comments | Permalink
Tip Jar (27+ / 0-)
by keepemhonest on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:29:17 AM PDT
and the scary part - Romney LIES so easily (8+ / 0-)
and so convincingly.
"Tax cuts for the 1% create jobs." -- Republicans, HAHAHA - in China
by MartyM on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:36:36 AM PDT
Because he belives his lies - nt (3+ / 0-)
by peterfallow on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:18:34 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
Recommended, tipped, and filed-- (6+ / 0-)
for future use. This is a great compendium, and I hope commenters will add to it.
"There is just one way to save yourself, and that's to get together and work and fight for everybody." ---Woody Guthrie (quoted by Jim Hightower in The Progressive Populist April 1, 2012, p3)
by CitizenJoe on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:38:12 AM PDT
I wonder if he actually believes himself. (1+ / 0-)
Or if he knows he's lying and just doesn't care. I also wonder which is more frightening.
I can see Canada from my house. No, really, I can.
by DuzT on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:41:54 AM PDT
Keep a pen handy. (2+ / 0-)
This isn't going to stop anytime soon. If the media would do their job and expose all these lies, the media would be doing their job.
Your left is my right---Mort Sahl
by HappyinNM on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:42:50 AM PDT
It is not just the pattern of lies. (3+ / 0-)
It is the mind set that he thinks that flipping management, pulling the rug out from industry, putting workers out on the street, shipping jobs to where ever, and "restructuring" debt (often so the Government has to fund a pension plan at pennies on the dollar). Then these vulture capitalists get to say we fixed things--and they have walked off with billions to keep themselves and their heirs rich in perpetuity.
by Compost On The Weeds on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:01:32 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
Profit = Sucess, right? (0+ / 0-)
And if some poor saps happen to lose their jobs in a state that's losing its major industry, well, don't blame Mitt. Besides, they can always borrow money from their parents.
by debbie100 on Wed May 09, 2012 at 11:13:02 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
This is something we need to keep pushing. (7+ / 0-)
Romney is an out-and-out pathological liar. He lies in big things and small. He lies when it matters. He lies when it doesn't matter.
He just can't help himself.
He is a deeply flawed human being that simply cannot be trusted with your library card let alone the leadership of your country.
Mitt Romney is a smarmy unholy mix of Joe Isuzu, Eddie Haskell and Gordon Gecko.
Ceterum censeo Factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
by journeyman on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:44:48 AM PDT
The problem with Rmoney is... (2+ / 0-)
that most Republicans are not "thinking Americans" - they are feeling Americans. They don't vote based on reality or factual events.
Rmoney is simply preying on low info voters and non-thinking Americans. I mean, if you disregard reality, history and any concept of the truth, Rmoney doesn't sound that bad.
by SuzieQ4624 on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:51:12 AM PDT
Will he take credit for Health care reform? (1+ / 0-)
He actually enacted health care mandates in Massachusetts. He refueses to take credit for that.
Then when he was a negative destructive force in saving the auto industry, he takes credit.
Typical republican, rewriting history, taking credit for things they did not accomplish, refusing to take responsibility for their disasters.
George W. Who?
by buffalo soldier on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:55:03 AM PDT
He's the Liar Who Fired You ® (2+ / 0-)
I am a talking turtle.
by jimmylutherking on Wed May 09, 2012 at 07:55:09 AM PDT
Conservatives know he's a liar (2+ / 0-)
and will support him anyway. Earlier in the year I moseyed over to RedState a few times and they HATED him there, in part because he's such a liar. Now? Totally different story. But deep down they all know they can't believe anything he says
by Margd on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:01:39 AM PDT
Well, that's a very depressing title . . . . (0+ / 0-)
considering that a majority of votes are required to win an election.
by Roadbed Guy on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:04:38 AM PDT
No THINKING American ... (1+ / 0-)
that lets off the rethugs, doesn't it?
by Tom Stokland on Wed May 09, 2012 at 10:26:36 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
That's quite a compendium of mendacity! (3+ / 0-)
Thanks for putting it all together and I'm wagering you felt like taking a shower afterward. Good gods, how does someone that insanely untruthful manage out in the public spotlight with, like, video and printed media and teh intarwebz everywhere? And yes, that effer lies like a true sociopath, it's seamless. He gives me the huge creeps, I used to live with someone very like that. Damned gaslighters--it shouldn't work on huge swathes of the population but I guess it does. Yeesh.
"Nothing's wrong, son, look at the news!" -- Firesign Theater
by SmartAleq on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:04:39 AM PDT
And you forgot this one (2+ / 0-)
"I live in Massachusetts"
The thing about quotes on the internet is you cannot confirm their validity. ~Abraham Lincoln
by raboof on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:11:23 AM PDT
I once had a patholigical liar for a boss (2+ / 0-)
for a short time - 2 months. He had bluffed the company owner, but was sussed by the staff in his introductory meeting.
Like Romney, he always had to say he had something in common with whomever he was tallking to, and then to "one-up" it. But the problem was, he had no detailed knowledge of what he was talking about.
An example was when he learnt that one of my colleagues was a gun nut, he professed a very dear friend - Baroness something, who was a skeet shooting champion, but because of her age and arthritis, now shot competitively from the hip.
When he learnt I owned a couple of horses, he told me his mother had formed the first riding club in SAudi Arabia, and since he still had his saddle, maybe we should ride together. I pointed out my horses have saddles, but I don't.
After a little internet checking, I discovered his MBA was from a mail order shop in a rentaoffice set up in Zurich.
Unfortunately, it may take more than 2 months to put Mitt out to pasture
by peterfallow on Wed May 09, 2012 at 08:28:34 AM PDT
He saw the Patriots win the World Series? (2+ / 0-)
Boy, oh boy. Do we have that on tape?
by Orcas George on Wed May 09, 2012 at 09:07:44 AM PDT
That's just so wrong. (0+ / 0-)
Everyone in Massachusetts knows that the Patriots won the Stanley Cup. It was the Bruins that won the World Series.
The thing about quotes on the internet is you cannot confirm their validity. ~Abraham Lincoln
by raboof on Wed May 09, 2012 at 03:36:59 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
In Rmoney's defense (1+ / 0-)
- I lived in apartments that had no toilets
Did he live in the Middle East--two footprints and a hole?
- I lived in apts that had no refrigerator
So he lived in Italy where you have to provide your kitchen even when you rent?
See, it's possible he wasn't lying, just not finishing the sentence.
James Earl Jones: This...is snark
by IndyReader on Wed May 09, 2012 at 10:29:13 AM PDT
Thinking - That's where your problem is... (3+ / 0-)
The amount of ignorant people in the United States is almost mind boggling. Dropouts, conspiracy theorists, older citizens who listen to RW Radio, the billionaires who funded the Tea Party, the rebirth of the Goldwater revolution, hell, even the Republican Party News Letter in Virginia who's advocating a new Civil War to kill President Obama if he's re-elected, plus millions more who listen to the groups I just mentioned.
These wealthy people and corporations are the ones who are either-
1) Advocating a disregard for the Constitution
2) Look to a total Capitalistic government
3) Hate a Democratic government
4) Will lie to mislead the masses
5) Use the power of money to any means
And they target their venom at the seniors (who think this is the same Republican Party of the late 50's), RW miliants and dropouts who don't know any better and can't evaluate what's happening before their own eyes.
To make any change, the thinkers need to have a full knowledge of the facts and understand how hard it will be to argue with these idiots.
Last but most discouraging is the Democratic Party and particularly its representatives in the House and Senate have yet to get the machine together to repeat the talking points, AND get MSM to parrot their comments or rebuttals.
This is election in November is not going to be a walk in the park. There’s a lot of work to be done to combat the LIES.
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
by cobaltbay on Wed May 09, 2012 at 10:33:56 AM PDT