Fri 22 Jun, 2012 04:59 pm
chef's whiskers b?a?e?s
take a shot at judge t?e
underarm o??er
sumatran island n?as
watering can feature ro?e
emetic i?e?ac
word comparison mi?i?e
frozen solid ?i?ad
manage f?re
chinese woman's blouse and trouser outfit s?m?u
index of cloud cover o?ta
bearn commune p?u
chef's whiskers b?a?e?s BEATERS
take a shot at judge t?e TRY (suggestion)
baffler: Nias, rose, ipecac
manage- fare (as in "fare thee well")
I was just out in the kitchen heating up some frozen Biryani for a (very) late dinner, when it struck me why "chef's whiskers" was "beaters"--it's not asking about beards. As Homer Simpson would say, "Doh". Good work, fresco.
Yes...its one of those statistically unlikely synonyms beloved of cruciverbalists.
underarm is OXTER
cloud cover is OKTA
chinese blouse and trouser could be HANFU, check your letters, I have just started the stinker
Batty, it would help all people trying to answer if you would be kind enough to put the acual clue numbers, ie 12a 45d etc., wish you well with this, am still trolling through it myself. good luck.