Sat 5 May, 2012 06:13 am
any help with the following please:
1a - dazed and bewildered when fruit cocktail consumed - two words - 5 & 5
2d - call to decline talk about knowing famous people - 2 words - 4 & 4
3d - right to annoy park warden - ??n?e?
29d - stranger for George the Second to transform reign - ?o??i??e?
53a - only diamonds can provide impartiality - ???t?c?
20a - calmer, but less friendly - c???e?
Some suggestions:
1a - dazed and bewildered when fruit cocktail consumed - two words - 5 & 5 Punch-drunk
2d - call to decline talk about knowing famous people - 2 words - 4 & 4 Name drop
3d - right to annoy park warden - ??n?e? ?
29d - stranger for George the Second to transform reign - ?o??i??e? Foreigner
53a - only diamonds can provide impartiality - ???t?c? Justice
20a - calmer, but less friendly - c???e? Cooled
3d - right to annoy park warden - ??n?e? RANGER
20a - calmer, but less friendly - c???e? COOLER