Lets revive a Kicky Thread!! (is he still missing?)
What pissed me off YESTERDAY...I gotta VENT!!!!
1. The heat....
2. The thunderstorm that rolled through Friday night, not only did it knock no telling how many people out of electricity for hours on end including us , but it zapped my lap-top, not a pretty picture at 2.30 a.m in the morning. Now I'm stuck on this puter and not happy about it.
3. What I'm really pissed off about is the fact that this was my 9th week, finals were due in two classes. WELL...low and behold the storm come through and knock the life out of my lap top, but
ALL MY WORK in on that bugger!!!
So..what do I do? I get on this one...try to log into my university's website, and nadda damned thing......keeps telling me
"INVALID PASSWORD", well...if I can't log onto my ecampus website to load my classes into my OUTLOOK EXPRESS, I can not send my work, because THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT MY WORK THROUGH THEIR PERSONAL EMAILS or MINE!!! And I can't get their email addies unless I log onto the website! There are no excuses acceptable......NONE! So..I'm SOL on my two assignments that are due at midnight tonight. They are worth 250 points each, out of a 1000 points........I worked for hours trying to get into the site....
Makes me wanna squash a grape!!
4. My vacuum cleaner broke.......
5. My sister called me to ask me a dumb question!
I gave her a dumb answer...lol
6. The lock on my front door broke, and my oldest son took my USB cable to my camera and tied it to a very large ice chest to hold the door shut because it wouldn't stay shut...ROTF, talk about hillbilly, took the husband to be asked TODAY to fix it!!
I had to ask?? lmao, I'm thinking..."
ok my front door won't shut, but they see nothing wrong with it being tied with a freakin' USB cable to an ice chest??
Whats wrong with these people?
7. The husband is sun burnt so bad that he's hardly able to wear clothing, and acts like he's dying!! (Have we ever heard of sunblock? He's 39 years old!!!) Quite frankly, I'm tired of his damned whining! Sooo what? I've been sun burnt before...no one showed pity on me...its self-inflicted, put your clothes on Damnit!! LOL
"No one wants to see that lilly white bod' of yours anyways.."
Thats just the icing on the cake...its been one thing after the other since Friday.....Last night I decided I'd just have me a mixed drink....got out the rum and oj, mixed one, sat back and said "Hell with it".....