iExchange wrote:
Thank you very much Krumple.
And how about such "bus simulation game" being played by a guy who don't have a driving license and never drive on a real vehicle before? He is a teenager and he never plays violent/shooting/racing/crashing games.
Would love to have your opinion on it too for my reference, thank you! I really appreciate your help.
To be honest I am not really sure what you are asking. Would the teen be effected in a negative way from this simulation? Maybe, but I wouldn't say ALL teens would be effected. I do think that people, including teens have the ability to make a distinction between a game and reality. Some might get it wrong but I don't think they all will. Does this make the simulation bad? No, because it is nothing different than anything else.
You could make the same argument about movies but we shouldn't ban movies just because a small portion of society will act out what they see in the movie. You don't need to punish the majority when a minority can't play nicely with everyone else.
The same for this bus simulation. Would a teen get a bent perspective on driving from playing this simulation? They could I suppose but I bet they would have had problems even without the bus simulation game. Just a hunch.