What a sight for folks on the Big Island Saturday morning. One of our viewers captured a photo of two whales off of Hilo Harbor.
The Coast Guard has been notified. They issued an alert boaters in the area to use caution.
The alert was in effect from around 9 a.m. It will remain in effect until sunset.
NOAA sid the whales do not appear to be in any distress.
Earlier this month, several humpback whales were spotted in Honolulu Harbor.
Officials say it is not uncommon for whales in Hawaii. They usually visit the islands every year October through February.
Humpback whales are protected under the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection.
Its population in the North Pacific is estimated between 10,000 to 12,000. The population annually grows somewhere between 3 to 5 percent a year.
Unfortunately, I wasn't there at the time. I was up in Volcano, reveling in the rainforest. Damn!