get your rocks off, girls.

Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2004 11:51 pm
I don't like that shirt either.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2004 12:10 am
Mother: Ah, how I hate wearing these beards.
Brian: Why aren't women allowed to go to stonings, mum?
Mother: It's written, that's why.
Beard and stone seller: Pssst! Beard, madam?
Woman carrying donkey: Oh, look, I haven't got the time to go to no stonings. He's not well again.
Donkey: Oink! Oink!
Beard and stone seller: Stone, sir?
Mother: No, they've got a lot there, lying around on the ground.
Beard and stone seller: Oh, not like these, sir. Look at this! Feel the quality of that, that's craftmanship, sir.
Mother: Hmm...all right, we'll have two with points and...a big flat one.
Brian: Could I have a flat one, mum?
Mother: Ssch!
Brian: Sorry! Dad!
Mother: Ehm...all right, two points, ahm...two flats and a packet of gravel.
Beard and stone seller: Packet of gravel. Should be a good one this afternoon.
Mother: Hm?
Beard and stone seller: Local boy.
Mother: Oh, good.
Beard and stone seller: Enjoy yourselves!
Women disguised as bearded men: [Scream] [Yell]
Bird: Fuiit!
Priest: Matthias, son of Deuteronomy of Gath...
Matthias: Do I say yes?
Guard: Yes.
Matthias: Yes!
Priest: ...you have been found guilty by the elders of the town of uttering the name of our Lord, and so as a blasphemer...
Women disguised as bearded men: Ooh...
Priest: ...you are to be stoned to death!
Women disguised as bearded men: Aah!
Matthias: Look, I'd had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was: "That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehova!".
Women disguised as bearded men: Oooh!
Priest: Blasphemy! He said it again!
Women disguised as bearded men: Yeah! Yes! Yes!
Priest: Did you hear him?!
Women disguised as bearded men: Yeah! Yes! Yes!
Woman: Really!
Priest: Are there any women here today?
Women disguised as bearded men: Uh...ooh...no...
Priest: Very well. By virtue of the authority vested in me...
Rock thrown at Matthias: [Bladonk]
Women disguised as bearded men: Ooh...
Matthias: Oh, lay off! We haven't started yet!
Priest: Come on! Who threw that? Who threw that stone? Come on!
Women disguised as bearded men: She did! She did! He did! He
did! He did!
Woman: Sorry, I thought we'd started.
Priest: Go to the back!
Woman: Oh, dear...
Priest: Always one, isn't there? Now, where were we?
Matthias: Look, I don't think it ought to be blasphemy, just saying "Jehova"!
Women disguised as bearded men: Aiiih! He did!
Priest: You're only making it worse for yourself!
Matthias: Making it worse? How could it be worse? Jehova, Jehova, Jehova!
Women disguised as bearded men: Aiiih!
Priest: I'm warning you! If you say Jehova once more...
Rock thrown at Priest: [Bladonk]
Priest: Right! Who threw that?
Matthias: Hehehe...
Priest: Come on! Who threw that?
Women disguised as bearded men: She did! She did! She did! Him! Him! Him!
Priest: Was it you?
Woman II: Yes.
Priest: Right...
Woman II: Well, you did say Jehova!
Women disguised as bearded men: Aiiih!
Rocks thrown at Woman II: [Multiple Bladonks]
Priest: Stop! Stop! Will you stop that! Stop it! Now, look! No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle! Do you understand? Even, and I want to make this absolutely clear, even if they do say Jehova!
Women disguised as bearded men: Aiiih!
Rocks thrown at Priest: [Multiple Bladonks]
Priest: Aaargh!
Large boulder crushing Priest: [Bladonk]
Woman III: Good shot!
Women disguised as bearded men: [Applause]
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2004 01:27 am
Re: get your rocks off, girls.
dyslexia wrote:
a popular selling teeshirt has the logo "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" the compnay reports having sold 1 million to date.
just wondering how well is would get by if the genders were reversed? am I being too PC?

No you're not being too PC, dyslexia.
I don't like this sort of intolerance being sold as trendiness, either.
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willow tl
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2004 02:58 am
When there is not a double standard to who i choose to sleep with or how many times, then i won't wear the shirt...
I think it's cute.. tired of pc....if i can handle all the fat jokes..i think guys can see this shirt and grin!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 08:43 am
I don't like the shirt. I don't think it's funny. Or cute. Or nuttin.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 08:52 am
LOL to cav's excerpt!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 08:54 am
ehBeth wrote:
I throw very well. Especially snowballs.

actually, with our current patch of weather, 'snow' "balls" are becoming pretty common!

let those who are 'pure at heart' cast the first stone! Twisted Evil
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 09:03 am
Have ya seen the stuff that's out there, Bo? Making a snowball out of that would be like threatening someone with a handful of lint. Blechhhhh. I need good packing snow.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 09:08 am
Fierce folk, these canajuns...
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 09:09 am
Beth; keep your hands to yourself ! Shocked
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 09:25 am
hmmmmmm, Bo didn't seem like such a fraidy-cat. maybe he's seen that canajun girlz kick ass shirt?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 10:09 am
For some reason, I am reminded that every time I watch an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos -- I will see several scenes where a man is hit or kicked in the nuts -- and the audience roars in laughter.

Very interesting, that!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 05:42 pm
As I am sorely out numbered on this thread in laughing at what that shirt says, and taking my virtual life in my hands...let me just say...

I have often felt that boys are stupid and wanted to throw rocks at them - husband included. I also remember feeling that way when I was pre-teenage.

However, on the whole, I love boys (men that is)...

No other females ever thought boys were stupid? Not Ever??
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Portal Star
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 11:04 pm
BoGoWo wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
I throw very well. Especially snowballs.

actually, with our current patch of weather, 'snow' "balls" are becoming pretty common!

let those who are 'pure at heart' cast the first stone! Twisted Evil

Jesus: (approximately) "May thou who is pure of heart cast the first stone."

A rock tumbles through the air, hitting the prostitute squarely between the eyes.

Jesus: "Not you, mother!"

I think the shirt is both somewhat funny and morally intolerable. How's that for honing my hippocratic skills?
The picture is clearly not of a boy getting hit by rocks, but by a silly-looking characterization of a dumb looking boy and of circle- rocks. Were it an actual photograph of a boy getting hit by a rock, it would not be funny. I think that if it were a "girls are dumb, hit them with rocks" with similar charicature worn by an adolescent male it would have similar impact, maybe meet a little more retribution. As long as no one is actually hitting anyone else with rocks, I see no problem. I believe in a persons absolute rights to express their stupidity when not directly hurting others. Gotta make mistakes to learn.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 11:14 pm
Onyxelle, oh yes, I've thought boys/men were stupid and I still feel that way about some of them, but so are women. And yes, I've wanted to throw things at them, but I think the T-shirt encourages an attitude that is all to common in our society--solve your problems with violence.
I realize that it is meant in fun and I think political correctness causes as many problems as it solves at times; still, the attitude expressed encourages the polarization of the sexes and there is far too much of that already.
(I actually gave a boy a black eye--when I was 10) :wink:
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 12:20 am
Of course I can see the humour in the tee shirt - and a little part of me enjoys a bit of revenge - there was so much blatant girls/women are dumb stuff when I was growing up - but, although I can see the humour in it, as I can in really sexist and so forth jokes, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, or whatever.....I don't think it is acceptable.
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 09:26 am
I propose a slight modification to the tee-shirt that I think will please everyone.

"Boys are stupid. Get them stoned."
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 09:35 am
Boy are stupid; or are they stoned?
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 09:51 am
This T-shirt is being sold on a site called "davidandgoliathtees", and I think that's kinda significant. Laughter at the expense of the powerful has always been a way to exercise power. David throwing teeny little rocks at big ol' Goliath is funnier than Goliath hurling giant rocks at poor li'l David.

But the balance of power is way weird these days, I can't figger it out myself. Women are not so clearly oppressed as to make the t-shirt a nice cleansing cathartic hardy-har-har, see the man get what he has coming sorta thing. It's not as subversive as it would've been in what 1952. Subversive=funny. (To me.) (Sometimes.)
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 11:32 am
Good shot with that one, Portal.

On the tee shirt, it is a bit icky to me, a call to action, even if it is cartoonish. I don't think it is all that awful, given a range of awful, but I don't think it's funny either.

There's a cartoon in this week's New Yorker by DIFFEE depicting Che Guevara wearing a Bart Simpson tee shirt. I immediately laughed. I can see lots of people on different sides of the political spectrum Not thinking this was funny... but the juxtaposition of the two iconic faces got me.
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