Wed 21 Dec, 2011 10:13 pm
Okay, perhaps I shouldn't I really don't care nor think it is wrong to think this way.
Just..well...I'm a christian rapidly loosing faith and more identifying with atheisim than anything else.
I guess I am angry being here, on earth that is....being alive. I find it disgusting in so many ways.
The crap one has to put up with, the everyday garbage, it's tedious and meaningless to me. (explative ahead) that shower, a **** and a shave of every day life??? It's such a screaming vortex of the nothing to me.
I'm starting to view the creator as some sort of twisted "puppy mill" owner, leaving us trapped on a finite resourced world to battle it out amongst ourselves?
And then, when we don't "do it right" we may get punished? Really who does that? Would you raise dogs in a small shed, and then beat them when they act up and run out of food?
Well ya know...I never asked to be on this boat, and I resent the forced enslavement to life. I would have prefered an interview WARNING me that this video game had all this crap involved.
I almost feel I remember non-exsistance, and wish for it. Who wants to feel anymore....I love the quiet, the silence, the nothing.
If there is a god, and the end comes, I may just ask for destruction absolute. No heaven, no so called hell...just a release into oblivion!
And yes, I understand this may sound nutty!
Cheers and have a happy holiday!
"Right and wrong" don't come into it because you have rejected
social judgments by your egocentric position, and atheism rejects divine authority.
But you cannot be an atheist if you are angry with some form of external agent who you think put "you" here. Atheists see that as a fairy story, and their advice to you might well be to "grow up".
BTW Read up on Freud if you are hooked on "the death wish and return to quiescence". He said it all.
fresco's right. How can you possibly claim to be an atheist and then say that you are angry with God in the same breath?
Ok, first of all do you believe there's a God? If you do, that wouldn't make you an atheist at all. Do you blame God for all the harsh things that have happened to you? Why not take responsibility for your own actions? God gave us something called "free will". Since you used to be a christian, you should know that we choose to believe in God and we live in this world called planet earth. Nothing is ever going to be perfect.
Life is what you make out of it. If you find it disgusting in so many ways, try changing something about it, but don't go blaming God for your own mistakes. In life we are going to mess up and fall down, but it's up to us to get up again and shake it off.
Happy New Year!!!
Oh and no, there's nothing wrong in being angry about being alive. It's your choice and your own thoughts.
Again, Happy New Year!!!
Some people who have been brought back to human life
were angry about it, denouncing n complaining against the medical experts who saved them.
Quote:Is it wrong to be angry about being...well alive?
U know, it makes no sense to ask whether something is right or rong
unless u identify
the criteria by which the decision is to be judged.
A given choice can be good by some criteria,
bad by other criteria
and indifferent by yet other criteria.