Wed 16 Nov, 2011 12:56 am
deserately need to know the following:-
212 ac clue lifeless chile region.(7)I have I?I?A??.
208 ac clue welsh tongue (6) I have ?Y?LIC.think this gaelic and if so what is 170 dn where I have gluttony.
221 ac clue is amusement park (5) i hsve ???SE.
222 dn clue is the muse of love poetry (5) I have ??E?O.
200 dn clue is turtles back shell (7) I have GUA>ANA.
194 dn clue is Baroque two necked lute(7) ihave T?E?R?O.
given these I might be able tto get some sleep tonight.philcottie
(Surely you can get most of these from Google ?)
Fresco, Philcottie is an Octogenarian and may not be as computer literate like you and me, so a bit of help is warranted.
212a = ATACAMA
208a = CYMRIC
221a = THEME
222d = ERATO
194d = THEORBO
Good luck