Tue 11 Oct, 2011 03:54 pm
For what time period did Rosenthal, Germany mark their china "Selb-Plössberg"?
I have a tea set marked "Rosenthal Selb-Plössberg Germany Sinfonia M" - the M is orange. I have found almost no information regarding this particular set on the Net. I am interested in any info you are able to provide - In particular, date of manufacture and details re the orange M as well as the design.
Much thanks,
You may have this answered already--
Are there three dots around Rosenthal one on each side and one under Selb?
If so - 1956. This pattern is said to date from 1953 to 1956. The M probably means you are looking at the set with the olivish green and yellow red-pink and grayish design on it? They are kind of the shape of a pumpkin seed placed randomly and more vertically on the pieces? In 1917 Rosenthal AG purchased the china factory of Jacob Zeidler in Selb-Plossberg, and ran it until 1967. The factory has been turned into a museum focusing on china industry and design.