Sat 1 Oct, 2011 11:40 pm
26dn the clue is go downhill 6. I have corsen which obviously is not correct.I first of all had coasts but 34/43and 49 didn't fit.So come on dutchy what is it?.
hi since posting my query on 26 ac I have now found it and have WARIOR would someone confirm this please.philcottie
First Q looks like WORSEN to me.
(I don't have the puzzle)
Hi philcottie
26d = WORSEN
34a = ROASTS
43a= MERCY
49a = ALIEN
Now 26a = WARIER not warior
Good luck.
thanks dutchy and others especially 26a.Part of my trouble is that I must learn to spell properly but I just put down as I see it without cross checking,but now all done ,will probably be back with a few in DEMON..