Mon 19 Jan, 2004 07:49 am
I'm heading to the kitchen to make myself a bagel -- lightly toasted with peanut butter on top. I'm also planning on posting some kind of British guy marching with a trombone or some such instrument.
Thanks for listening. And thanks for viewing the English guy.
It means a lot to me.
i hope not.....that's best on a plain bagel methinks.
Garlic bagel, although it takes weeks for the smell to get out otf the trombone...
My son likes peanut butter on onion bagels. I'm considering DNA testing.
Hey Seal, is that a picture of Hoover, the famous talking seal?
Wait a minute! Is that Soccergeorge?
Dear Gus
Do you always put peanut butter on you bagels? I'm only asking because there has been a recent disorder discovery and they have found that the most important warning sign to look for are people who put peanut butter on bagels. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but you know that I'm always looking out for you and I'm only telling you this because I care. I do have to ask how often you put peanut butter on your bagels? If it's not all the time, then it's only a mild case and can be treated by using cream cheese instead of peanut butter once a week, but if you always put peanut butter on your bagels, then you'll have to see a psychiatrist for extensive treatment and high doses of valium. Please get back to me as soon as you can.
Gus, grab some apples and slice them up on top of the pearnut butter. Aaaah!
Thanks for posting this Gus...It was exactly what I needed to start the day.
George! Fercrissakes! Wherethehellhaveyoubeen?
No, not Hoover. Just an image I scooped of the 'net 'till I get around to scanning a drawing of the Harbor Seal that Daddy has...
Doh! Soccor George! Of course!
You can't even get this kind of news on cable, which is a conundrum because peanut butter is a very important staple.
I recently bought some Peter Pan Honey Rasted peanut butter that combines sweet honey, rich molasses and roasted peanuts....mmmmm, sure to enhance any kind of bagel.
... I think montana is on to something here...
My sisser is well aware that I need help.
So what is your sisser doing to help you?
How d'ya know he's ENglish?
He could just be posing ...
Well, white toast and PB and blueberry jam is really good...
Or more relevantly, how d'ya know its a guy?
It could be a pregnant woman ...