sounds weird. Ive never seen mastitis get that bad. In sheep,we call that condition "blue bag" and its very serious. if we lose a case of one teat going "hard and cold" it was after several days and weeks of fighting infection, but weve never had a case of blue bag. Blue bag can be fatal to the mother if not cared for really well.
Stop trying to fid out what the vet did qwrong and treat the mother as if her life depends on it , cause it does.
If you have doubts about your vet Id call another vet to get a second opinion SOunds like the damage has been done and now youve gotta treat her to save her life so the infection doesnt cause her to lose her life. The puppies can be bottle fed while the mother is being treated.
This is not something to wait and see if its gonna get better. Do you love this dog? IS she part of the family or are you just using her as a puppy farm?
Im being harsh because youve gotta get her real competent treatment so she doesnt DIE on you.
Im just a sheep producer and have had to deal with some cases of mastitis but have been lucky in over 10000 head over 20 years to NOT have a singlke case of Blue Bag. Its been luck and diet mostly.
, and we know the initial symptoms so we can intervene early .
Even before our lambs are dropped we can see mastitis signs.
I hope it goes well and I hope she pulls through nicely.Even if she does, Im not sure Id breed her anymore cause this may reccur and she will always have the one teat as useless (itll never produce milk again)