NOW he gets all absent - when called upon to bare all....
I think I should delete that thing! it wasna so bad small - whaddaya think?
ahhhh, you mean you're a bit less enamored of the queerheritage pic!
it is a bit, mmmmmm, ahhhhh, interesting.
Interesting! It's giving me nightmares!
I'm canajun. I'm trying to be polite.
Ladies I've been recording for the last several hours...but Eva I prefer not to get too descriptive or clinical on the forum here, don't want anyone getting the vapors......suffice to say squinney has held on for fifteen years....were you thinking that was because of my intellect and good looks? You've seen my image.....
Don't take no stuff from them wimmins, Bear . . . i heard 'em saying you eat poop sammiches and howl at the moon, an' i tole 'em you don't eat no bread, so there . . . we mins gots to stick together . . .
well that hurts coming from the Charmin bunny my back set, I know you've got a close eye on them canook wimmins paricularly.......
This thread has hurt my feelings...

I'm the sensitive type

.....I'm going to hibernate...g'night to all.....
I hope all y'all big mean wimmins is happy now . . .
Not to parade poop, but y'all be careful, lots of lovelies an now lovers had serious uglies earlier in life. S'long as all are armwrapped w hugs and such, fine with me.
This is probably, or even I hope, off topic.
I cannot tell, Osso - I cannot understand what you meant!
Happy? We stopped a bear from shitting in the woods all winter! And Squinney has a 24 hour hot water bottle. All is good...
I was making a muffled mention that some ladies had not storybook lives, even some, uh, rabbits. I am way too obscurantist when I speak cloudily, begging pardon.