Mon 29 Dec, 2003 01:16 pm
Years and years ago, when I was Single Again and broke as broke could be, I did some socializing at Parents Without Partners. One of the women I met there who was raising six kids under the age of twelve (her husband had decided that she wasn't sexy any more and the kids cramped his style) assured me that I could ensure wealth and prosperity in the New Year by stealing a wisps of manger straw from a creche and carrying it in my purse/wallet.
I'm an agnostic--but an ethical agnostic--and for the past quarter century I've begged wisps of manger straw from church going friends. This year, two friends forgot and the third church didn't put up a creche this year.
I am going to have to procure my own wisp of straw in 2004. Simply swiping straw bothers my conscience. How much money should I slip in the poor box?
A superstitious ethical agnostic
A bale of straw only costs a few bucks up here, so by my calculation a few wisps would be about a cent or less, canadian. I would suggest, if you're inclined, to leave a wee bit more.
It would really depend on who slept in it last, wouldn't it?
roger wrote:It would really depend on who slept in it last, wouldn't it?
Two peer approval points, Roger.
I've taken to not saying the word manger. Makes it sound too exotic.
Say feed-trough. Really brings out the poverty of the whole scene...
Hmmm - how much has the manger straw netted you over the years, Noddy.
When you have established that, divide it by the number oy years - this will give you the value of this year's harvest.
Or $5.
Judging from the mad construction of straw men arguments in these fora since I last checked, I wouldn't make a buy offer here, Nod.
Some of our members have bid the price way far up... :wink:
Since they probably had to spring for a whole bale to get the straw I would say $5.
But than again I'm being charitable with your money.
why not give the manger straw to a charity shop, such as --- children in need or mommys for ever
Value of manger straw over a quarter century?
I've never been wealthy--or even comfortable. There have been some months with some lean last weeks. Still, I've always been solvent with no more debt than is convenient to pay.
A few wisps of straw....or peace of mind?
I would say a pinch of francincense or perhaps a little Myrhh might make a good trade....
The Deed is Done--
Today, an hour or so before sunset, I went with a friend to Our Lady Queen of Peace (Catholic) and raided the outdoor nativity scene for manger straw.
The straw in the manger was actually a woven mat, so I settled for some well-weathered wisps of straw from under the feet of the plastic animals.
Obviously, I couldn't leave a contribution, but I'm going to mail few dollars--perhaps with, perhaps without an explanation of the supersitition.
Thanks all.
You posted a lookout and stole straw from a nativity scene?!?
There's got to be some special hell for that... :wink:
Yep. I understand that the blessing is much more effective when you steal the straw yourself--from a church that is not yours.
Furthermore my lookout, and articulate Greek Orthodox friend, who carries on as though the Greek Orthodox church was run by Turks, snagged some straw herself, two wisps for her purse and three wisps for her retirement portfolio.
If there is a rising tide, I want my boat floated. So there!
So that's the secret to where all that manger straw goes!