Fri 4 Mar, 2011 08:34 am
I think we have all played at least one game from the Pac-Man series (Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, etc.) and they are all basically the same- you run around a maze gobbling pellets and objects being chased by ghost monsters. What the the deal with the ghost monsters? Were they guardians of the maze?
Wow-no one is going to answer this?
You're wrong. I never played it, never desired to.
The creator of Pac-Man explained the deal with the ghost monsters' behaviour:
He stated that the red enemy chases Pac-Man, the pink and blue enemies try to position themselves in front of Pac-Man's mouth, and the orange enemy moves around randomly. That still doesn't explain their purpose.
Were the monsters there to guard the maze or to give Pac-Man havoc?