Sat 18 Dec, 2010 06:11 am
hello friends I need a little help please with the following:
18d - using lemon segment on its own - ??n?l?
54d - make trip later - around five - t?i?e?
16a - cross into Kashmir at eleven - i???e
14d - pacino intent on finding gift - ???e?e
thanks in advance
Working in the dark here down under with no grid,but would suggest
I have
18d: Single
54d: Travel
16a: Irate
14d: Talent (presuming 25a is Studied)
What do you have for 49d, 57d and 50d?
49d - beauty
57d - ordains
50d - tavern
Many thanks for your help
I have put single for 18d but thanks for the other one