em, The call for "fire" on this issue is the wrong one. These moves by the feds do not occur overnight, but over a much longer time period.
That's not to say that the feds are doing the right thing; they're going to hurt the future economy of the US and the world. Too many countries use the US dollar as their primary (backup) currency.
The reason for this are many which I'll try to identify:
a) there isn't another currency that has much strength such as the Euro. the reasons are obvious; many Euro countries are in bankruptcy.
b) the trade of oil is based on the US dollar
c) there's no present fear that the Yuan is going to take over
d) many bond holders around the world hold US Treasuries
e) many fear the devaluation of the US dollar because 1) their trade surplus with the US will have less value, 2) their own currency will lose value, and 3) the US is still the biggest economy
QE2 is a very bad idea gone amuck; they've lost site of the long-term effects of making such a move. When Greenspan lowered interest rates to increase the availability of the US dollar, it was the basis for what created the balloon we now call the Great Recession. I have criticized Greenspan when he was fed chairman, and many financial pundits believed he was god.
I've criticized Ben Bernanke for many years, and I believe I'm right - and he is wrong.