If they had only showed you the concept and never had you apply it, do you really think you could apply those concepts with the dexterity you do today?
The "happy clappy/ instant access" philosophy of elementary teaching which has developed on the back of the information revolution seems to have had statistical effect of dumbing down the end product for the majority.
Our current education system is outdated. It was designed during the industrial revolution where we didn't need people who could reason and think.
Wrong Engineer. You are confusing two separate issues. Let me explain.
The quadratic equation is ( -B + sqrt(B^2 - 4AC))/2A , ( -B - sqrt(B^2 - 4AC))/2A. I don't even have that memorized any more (although I am quite certain I could derive it if I had to). I just looked it up on google.
I distinctly remember in school getting problem sheets that had me solve problems like
1. 4x2+2x+13 = 6
2. 3x2 + 19 = 5x
To solve these problems I rearranged the formulas to find A, B and C so I could plug the values into the equation above. Doing these problems had nothing to do with my understand of quadratic equations. I had to rearrange the equations a bit to tease out A, B an C. And then I had to make sure that I got the damned parentheses right on my calculator.
The fact is I could have done 100 million of these problems and I wouldn't have gained any real understanding of quadratic functions. They are basically a meaningless waste of time. They have nothing to do with the understanding I use in my profession now. This type of rote problem has nothing to do with anything I have had to do in 20 some years of professional life.
In contrast, the things I do as an engineer involve understanding a problem and trying to whether it is a quadratic function or not. When it is a quadratic function, I need to understand how this affects its behavior in different situations.
The drill and kill exercises that I have done haven't helped me at all in my profession. Even the skill I gained typing little calculator keys doesn't help me much any more.
What has helped is the many different types of thought based problems that I have seen. It is the problems that made me think in a new way, or the problems that showed me flaws in my currently understanding, or the clever new ways to attack a problem that have made me a good engineer. Rote Schmote, mathematicians and engineers are trained to be thinker, creators and innovators, not calculating machines.
It is possible that you had exceptional grandparents, but in general our grandparents were not very well educated or very good at math for that matter.
The fact is that far more kids are being taught Algebra then ever before.
I think the high school attendance rates are pretty conclusive as are the crusaders of the 20's and 30's who were complaining about how bad the education was at the time. Many of the points they were making are greatly improved now.
Are you telling me there isn't any algebra in this 8th grade test from 100 years ago?
Consider: To pass this test, no knowledge of the arts is necessary (not even a nodding familiarity with a few of the greatest works of English literature), no demonstration of mathematical learning other than plain arithmetic is required (forget algebra, geometry, or trigonometry), nothing beyond a familiarity with the highlights of American history is needed (never mind the fundamentals of world history, as this exam scarcely acknowledges that any country other than the USA even exists), no questions about the history, structure, or function of the United States government are asked (not even the standard "Name the three branches of our federal government")
An exam for today's high school graduates that omitted even <I>one</I> of these subjects would be loudly condemned by parents and educators alike, subjects about which the Salina, Kansas, students of 1895 needed know nothing at all.
Would it be fair to say that the average Salina student was woefully undereducated because he failed to learn many of the things that we consider important today, but which were of little importance in his time and place? If not, then why do people keep asserting that the reverse is true? Why do journalists continue to base their gleeful articles about how much more was expected of the students of yesteryear on flawed assumptions? Perhaps some people are too intent upon making a point to bother considering the proper questions.
Would it be fair to say that the average Salina student was woefully undereducated because he failed to learn many of the things that we consider important today, but which were of little importance in his time and place? If not, then why do people keep asserting that the reverse is true?
I guess the past generations were just smarter than what is being hatched these days
Probably not, but at one time, it did help you - a lot. The first time you solved a quadratic equation, you learned a lot.
Students recognize and differentiate between variables, expressions, inequalities, and equations. Students evaluate expressions and solve formulas and proportions. Students plot and give the coordinates of points on a number line and a coordinate plane. Students translate word problems into equations and solve single variable equations and inequalities. Students use a variety of tools and techniques to communicate the reasoning used in solving problems.
Students identify variables, expressions, inequalities, and equations. Students sometimes evaluate expressions and solve formulas and proportions. Students plot and give the coordinates of points on a number line and a coordinate plane with limited success. Students sometimes translate word problems into equations or translate equations into word problems. Students sometimes solve one-step equations and inequalities.
A friend of mine here reiterated what I saw someone mention on the British thread - and that was there is a theory or thought going around that since benefits have been introduced to young single women having children on their own, it has encouraged a rise in the birth rate to less motivated and educated people at the same time the birth rate has fallen among those who have more education and the population is showing signs of that 'dilution', in terms of intelligence.
Eighth graders today are doing far more advanced math then what is in that silly test.
She is learning about multiplication because the idea interests her and she wants to solve a problem that requires it. All this, and she has never seen a multiplication table.
I don't believe that plugging values into a memorized equation helped me at all.
We have a basic disagreement Engineer, I think we have hashed it out as much as we ever will. I will tell you my kids know that they will get hit if they ever say the word "FOIL" in my house. The idea behind foil is distribution of terms, and that is the way to teach it. If you understand distribution, you don't need the FOIL trick. Conversely, knowing the FOIL trick without understanding distribution of terms is meaningless. I suspect you disagree with me.
Quote:Probably not, but at one time, it did help you - a lot. The first time you solved a quadratic equation, you learned a lot.
This really sums of the heart of our discussion. I don't believe that plugging values into a memorized equation helped me at all.
To me there is a big difference between the mechanical tricks of arithmetic, and understanding of ideas behind mathematics. I don't think they have anything to do with each others.
You seem to be saying that by doing rote problems using mechanical tricks you will gain insight into the mathematics. I don't think think this is true because if you are using the mechanical tricks, you don't need to reach for any understanding.
She is learning about multiplication because the idea interests her and she wants to solve a problem that requires it. All this, and she has never seen a multiplication table.