5a Where to learn how to grade hotel suites ?L???????? (10)
grade - class + hotel suites - rooms - CLASSROOMS = where to learn how to
19a Such a noisy part of Red River City (5)
sucH A NOIsy - part of (indicates word is part of a phrase) - HANOI = City on Red River, Vietnam.
22a Decree via radio mishandled by head of nation (6)
radio + mishandled (indicates anagram) + head of Nation - n - ORDAIN = decree
29d Kills Sam to get back his final property ?a??a???? (9)
sam - to get back (reverse) - mas + hiS final (s) + property - acres - MASSACRES - kills
Sorry about the other two. The brain is still a bit fuzzy.I will go and have some brekky and a cuppa and will get back to you - unless someone else comes along in the meantime with the answers.