Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:56 am
Hi I need help with a couple
98d raised bruises WE?LS
142a north england hills, the ? PE?N???S
127d forestage A?R??
Thanks! in advance
Needing help with one to finish please,
128d. Old wicker beehives - S?e?s
hi sweda
I have skeps for that one
Good Luck
Thanks for the quick reply - you beat Dutchy!!
Hopefully he is occupied answering my other post on Mega 66 Stinker.
Thanks again,
Dutchy was out in town girls but I can verify jacaranda's submission. Have answered your other queries sweda.
Good luck to both of you, don't forget to share your winnings.
Thanks again Dutchy, no doubt I'll be back with the Baffler as I think it is a hard one.