Forum dynamics 1 - Drown it with banter

Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 03:37 pm
Well if I see an opening for a humerous remark or wise-arse crack that fit's I might take it.
That''ll make an arse out of me, or just let me watch as a bookmark - oops another ugly word Embarrassed
but me take over a discussion - I don't think so never Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 03:49 pm
I like to do it for no reason at all.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 03:56 pm
Anybody get a deer yet this fall?
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:11 pm
I have done that once on purpose. I felt that the originator of the thread was totally out of line. It was, as you say, better than a flaming argument. I do not intend to make it a habit.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:16 pm
Do any of y'all ever post in the "Never-ending..." threads?

I'm kinda not much for idle banter myself...

...though I understand that a lot of A2Kers live for those threads.

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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:22 pm
Hitlary? I hardly post in threads that include Hitlary, Bu$h, and similar corruptions. Seems like nothing good ever happens there, anyway.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:31 pm
Do any of y'all ever post in the "Never-ending..." threads?

Here and there. I kinda like the word association thread!
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:31 pm
That's the smart move to make, Roger. Wish I had done the same.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:36 pm
It is the "chip-on-the-shoulder" syndrome especially in the political forms to not actually post a topic but a diatribe on why someone hates a particular individual. That's asking for it in my opinion and perhaps they just deserve what they get. I'm with husker -- a few humorous jibes and 'nuff said. There are those who suffer from EES -- Elephantine Elucidation Syndrome.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:42 pm
Grab a laugh - I hope you have powerpoint Cav this is for you!!!
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:49 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
It is the "chip-on-the-shoulder" syndrome especially in the political forms to not actually post a topic but a diatribe on why someone hates a particular individual. That's asking for it in my opinion and perhaps they just deserve what they get. I'm with husker -- a few humorous jibes and 'nuff said. There are those who suffer from EES -- Elephantine Elucidation Syndrome.

How dare you? Well, I never. I believe probably that your entire family tree is infested with an insidious root rot and this latest screed is electronic manifestation of said affliction.

Have you considered Chinese herbs poured on your worm-eaten feet?

I could go on and on but it would be a complete waste of my vast intellect to continue to give credence to your misguided...*ZAP*
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 04:50 pm
husker, does that officially count as hijacking this thread? Laughing Thanks. husker, do a Google on Mr. Methane, while we are on the subject of idle banter.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 05:14 pm
Teachers do it with class. And a little humor for the politicos:

"I'd rather be right than be president."
-- Henry Clay (1777-1852)

"Dad said it was my right to be president."
-- George W. Bush

"If those folks had just punched the 3rd hole on
the right, by now I'd be president."
-- Al Gore

"If you both weren't so far to the right, one of
you might be president."
-- Ralph Nader

"All I said was that Hitler was right. So why can't
I be president?"
-- Pat Buchanan

"No lasting presidential legacy? Yeah, right."
-- Bill Clinton

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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 07:25 pm
The hijacking - sometimes obviously intentional, and sometimes simply, well, happening - seems very much like real life to me.

Sometimes someone says something that someone else finds stupid/offensive/inane and the other someone (or another someone) takes the conversation elsewhere. I see it all the time at work.

We had an incident at lunch today. Someone A said something that almost everyone else in the room realized made Someone B uncomfortable. Someone B is very gracious, and would never have said anything to let Someone A know of their gaffe. Someone C and Someone D hijacked the discussion. Someone A was a bit nonplussed, but was not given an opportunity to say anything else. Nothing. It was quite impressive. I never knew Someone D could talk that much.

I certainly know that in a lot of real life conversations, when I'm with friends (not necessarily people i agree with on stuff - just friends) - the digressing goes into such high gear that the best digression threads online seem like plodding academic exercises. (not that i don't like digression threads - but a real-life digression is like the very finest jazz)
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 08:23 pm
EhBeth's point about supposed hijackings "just happening" on occasion -- is important.

Sometimes an issue comes up just a bit off topic -- which leads to something else a bit more off topic -- and circumstances dictate that it has to be discussed.

That is not a real hijacking -- just a bit of letting the thread do what it wants to do. A good thread initiator can direct things back to the main path at some point. Nothing has been lost; and often, lots has been gained.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 08:56 pm
Yes, agreed, Frank, and Craven has pointed out he isn't talking about that. I am a mistress of digression myself, which must drive the very linear crazy, but given enough rope, I do wind back to the topic.

As to ehBeth's comment, I agree that digressing can be jazz, and it can be very satisfying re creative leaps. Or, not.
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2003 09:05 pm
Sometimes the banter turns into an interest--another thread topic--etc etc etc.
Its much like usual conversation and gads of people.
I try my best not to do it all that much but sometimes it ends up all it is anyway.
How could a topic be done? Remember WAAAY back when you could close threads on Abuzz? Didnt really work but, the author could finish off which for the author is a nice thing, still kept going bantering off to the left and the right.
Its all good....well, mostly.
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2003 02:50 am
ehBeth wrote:
The hijacking - sometimes obviously intentional, and sometimes simply, well, happening - seems very much like real life to me.

Sometimes someone says something that someone else finds stupid/offensive/inane and the other someone (or another someone) takes the conversation elsewhere. I see it all the time at work.

We had an incident at lunch today. Someone A said something that almost everyone else in the room realized made Someone B uncomfortable. Someone B is very gracious, and would never have said anything to let Someone A know of their gaffe. Someone C and Someone D hijacked the discussion. Someone A was a bit nonplussed, but was not given an opportunity to say anything else. Nothing. It was quite impressive. I never knew Someone D could talk that much.

I certainly know that in a lot of real life conversations, when I'm with friends (not necessarily people i agree with on stuff - just friends) - the digressing goes into such high gear that the best digression threads online seem like plodding academic exercises. (not that i don't like digression threads - but a real-life digression is like the very finest jazz)

Exactly; in a community of real people, one can only expect real things to happen. Often, very interesting things emerge from the banter. Although it is sometimes inappropriate, c'est la vie.
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