Christmas day 1990. Squinney pregnant out to here on the sofa. Me in my big chair.
It had been a wonderful day but now it was over and it was a struggle to get the two cubs ready for bed without falling asleep myself. They had been walking around with Baby Ruths from their stockings and they were all over the place. Kylie had had her bath and I sent Stephen in to take one.
He comes out to the living room and announces that he's not taking one because Kylie has pooped in the tub. I do NOT want to hear this nonsense and inform Stephen that Kylie has merely dropped the 100th Baby Ruth of the day into the tub and to stop the nonsense and get ready.
Stephen walks out with the baby ruth in his hand, sticks it under squinneys nose and says "Oh yeah? Well what's this"? You guessed it, it was a real live turd.
We get to laughing so hard that squinneys' water breaks and our Christmas cub Seth is born later that night.
That's now a family story tradition as you can imagine.