JTT wrote:
Quote:To this day, I'm deeply offended when I hear the word Pollock, as being one was always the subject of jokes on being stupid, or unclean.
Does it bug you when it's misspelled, Chai?
Maybe that's how they pronounce and spell it where she's from. I learned Polack, but we were never allowed to use those words and nobody we knew used them either so I'm not really sure how it's spelled. But two people here have spelled it that way. Like MJ, I, too, immediately thought "fish" - lol. It's what they use in California rolls, sometimes.
For Vancouverites, the derogatory words were Paki and Chink, primarily. Again, we weren't allowed to use those, as they really were derogatory. I grew up with a lot of Chinese and East Indian friends and would never think of them in those terms.
Old people, now, who slow you down on the road, we called "gits"... and if you were on the prairies, the word was "hats", usually because the little old men would be wearing some kind of farm hat that you could barely see over the steering wheel.