After Nate Silver at posted his
pollster rankings showing Research 2000 near the bottom,
DailyKos, a liberal website that used Research 2000 extensively canceled their subscription and then obtained an analysis of the polls they received from Research 2000 over the last year+. That
analysis done by three independent researchers basically proved that the polls were not the product of independent polling. I looked at the analysis and it is pretty convincing. Now DailyKos is suing Research 2000 and they said they will counter-sue. has received a cease and desist order from Research 2000 which they promptly
posted to their website and said they stand by their analyses. I find it all amazing. Research 2000 is a big polling firm and the data clearly shows they were faking their polls. I'm sure there will be more to come over the next couple of days.
Talking Points Memo has already
removed all of the R2000 polls from their site as a result of all of this, so it's starting to have an impact.