Wed 19 Nov, 2003 10:34 am
Is there a difference between a person who is willing to enjoy sex...just the act of sex with either a male or female and a person with a homosexual orientation?
Being in the entertainment business I have known people who had sex with both men and women but had their long term relationships with women, and vice versa. When I asked them about this they would say they weren't homosexuals because they wouldn't want a commitment with someone of the same sex, wouldn't want to hold them and cuddle with them, just have sex with them because of their voracious appetites for sex in any other words for the thrill of the sex.
So my question is, in your opinion is there a difference between someone with a true homosexual orientation and a person who simply enjoys sex in any form with anybody?
Depends on how much yer drinking....
I dunno.......but it seems to me that there are some people who enjoy thrills..........of all kinds. It would not be beyond the realm of possiblity that some people just like to experiment.
Good one, cav!
I would say it depends on which sex they find themselves subconsciously attracted to. As in, have they had crushes on males only, females only, or both? In other words, how is the brain wired?
Ditto! Dr. Kinsey answered this more than fifty years ago. Though much of his work has been discredited, his findings which classified sexual orientations 0 to 5 (or 6?) depending upon whether your desires were exclusively for the opposite sex, exclusively the same sex or somewhere in between were valid.