well i guess my question is, how did it get past avira in the first place? and i had the superspy thing too, and its malfunction was what got me into action.
what was happening was that in sites i frequent most, which have signons, like this forum, i was unable to log out because i would get the screen telling me 'firefox cant locate the server'. and then yahoo wouldnt let me sign into email, and i got thrown out over and over, etc. i thought it was a browser issue at first. and of course everything started going really slow, which isnt that uncommon for me either with the mickey mouse connection i have.
so i uninstalled the superspy, then avira said it was misconfigured and to uninstall and reinstall which didnt work, so that is how i got into the forum. it was only on a chance remark that i made about thinking i was invaded by malware that they told me to download Malwarbytes, and that is what found it.
i am hoping to be rid of it soon, but the issue remains where did it come from and why did avira not stop it-i had been updating regularly. it isnt a new thing anyway.
and what should i do now, change all my passwords? yes, i know i am a real dummy, i kept my logins on my pc in a spreadsheet doc. but i figured that they could pick them up anyway if anybody wanted them. are they going to set up a new bank account using my info and transfer all my money into it?
i suppose i shouldnt have any important personal information in the computer at all, but it would be real inconvenient to have to always get out a flash drive or cd to access those things. identity theft...hehehe, i always used to laugh at that. good thing i dont need credit any more and good thing i dont have any credit cards.
so if salima posts on this forum and sounds really out of character, it might not be me!
edit note: it is me if i start typing u instead of i and o instead of i because the letters on my keyboard are wearing off ...also b n and m are really faint. the whole top line is almost gone! i never did learn to type by touch, i always look at the keys...
---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 07:41 PM ----------
you know i know people who use macs and linux and they dont even use any antivirus software-they never had any problems!