"My equivalent is education system. Public schools suck, private schools require payment and those paying for private schools also must pay the tax that provides for public schools. Double pay. "
-From a former private school student, I must say that the rigor of coursework as well as the cost of education is more than worth it. I've worked part-time since I was about 10 to get through private school, but it ends up embellishing and improving any college application. The tax is another part of being an American, and any hard worker can compensate for it.
"No no Leonard, you have apparently fallen asleep and experienced the American dream. That there are true ideological differences between the two major parties is purely an illusion, which they both propogate in order to maintain their power. Both parties, despite any rhetoric to the contrary, support central planning, imperial foreign policy, internationalism, deranged pseudo-intellectual environmentalism, and an exchange of individual liberties for 'security.' They are both owned by the largest corporations and banks, whose lobbyists now pretty openly write our legislation and give to congress. The congressman don't even read the bills and say, 'yes sir, we'll pass it.' This is fascism. When I talk about 'genuine ideological divisions,' I'm not talking about these poodles. I'm talking about citizens (and yes, the rare congressman or official) who truly believe in a certain political philosophy, whatever that might be."
-If differences in ideology are merely an illusion, do people just vote for a party based on the candidate's good character and background? I've never heard of a case where a die-hard republican votes for a democrat because he seems like a good guy. He'd rather vote for a mean republican because they also oppose abortion. You can't be a little pro-life. You are either pro- or anti- abortion. The two parties have contrasting views on specific things. Now if you have scattered views, you could a) not vote, or b) make up your mind. You could also c) move to a 1-party nation or an anarchy. In an anarchy, you would see no tax, no government action, nobody to keep things under control, and barter instead of currency (currency can't work without a treasury, which would require government). I doubt you'd enjoy thugs with a gun to your head asking for the goods you're carrying, with no police force to fight them off. Maybe they'd have a gun and you don't due to lack of a gun law. Maybe you'd take a drink from a fountain of non-regulated anarchist water to notice it's tainted and contract toxoplasmosis. No government to take you to the hospital to get treated, or maybe an untrained doctor could attempt to help. The barter system would be used, and an apple merchant could be looking for mangoes and you notice you can't trade for any apples because you're only carrying oranges. Anarchy=Chaos. Chaos is bad, we should all be civil rather than a bunch of apes running around trading fruit or stealing things with no consequence.
"From your description earlier, it sounds to me like you are indeed a communist, as communism was practiced, not theoretical communism with no government at all (insane pipe-dream, and ugly dream as well). Correct me if I'm wrong. You believe government should set economic policy. You believe government should enforce morality, as with drug and alcohol prohibition. You believe that liberty (as defined in the bill or rights e.g.) should be exchanged for security and order, in order to prevent 'anarchy.' That sounds like communism in practice to me; of course, a better name would be oligarchical collectivism. Either way, you should come to America! We're nearing your ideal every day! But watch out, some people aren't real happy about that, so I wouldn't go around cheering, 'Horray! Enslave me! Take my rights and my wealth! Isn't the government generous for telling us how best we should live?!' :Not-Impressed: "
-I'm not communist. I shriek at the word and remember suffering and famine that people have endured. I'm not communist. Call me Fatah, Nationalist, Progressive, Liberal, Center-Left. It doesn't matter what you call me, but I'm no communist. If you were in the Authoritarian right, I wouldn't call you fascist. Or anarchist if you were in the Libertarian left. It's all relative. The constitution called for freedom and liberty. They are a product of government. I wouldn't sacrifice them for security, nor would I give up security for freedom. Government is necessary for both. It won't give you everything you want, and you'll never agree with everyone, but you wouldn't either if you lived in anarchy. "Yay for Anarchy! No government to provide medical care, clean water, a food supply, shelter, safety, assistance, or crowd/crime control! No taxes or anyone to tell me what to do, but I can fend off criminals, collect food, filter water, and get educated by myself." I'll just explain by saying I support gun control, compulsory classroom attendance, drug control, punishment for breaking laws, work for everyone, and that the government provides the necessities (minus food) that people need to survive. It isn't communist if people get freedom
within a reasonable frame of control. Reasonable as in outlawing murder and other immoral acts, without religiously immmoral acts included.
"Leonard, I don't think that 'dumb' is the right word. 'Ignorant' would be one of them, and another would be 'spoiled'. I think many get spoiled by certain things, like what the media dishes out. We have too many channels to choose from, fast food everywhere. In general, people are spoiled which leads to almost a volunteered ignorance.
With YouTube, we all can be Journalists and be famous, because we think we are entitled to it.
To quote Dennis Miller: That's just my opinion, I may be wrong."
-Not everyone is spoiled. The government doesn't spoil, it only gives us what we need. Media is entertainment. Media is the opiate of the middle classes (no reference to the Marx quote on religion- I am a very religious, non-communist man). We are only spoiled by it if we think it is spoiling us, i.e the placebo effect. Of course, there are people who get lucky in the stock market, and live as millionaires. They become spoiled. They can only get rich in the stock market when there is a government present. This is luck, and luck is natural. If anarchy is defined as chaos, or keeping everything natural, then one may become lucky in anarchy and become spoiled (perhaps by finding a river teeming with fish to eat or an immense oasis teeming with life). If you would allow me to explain, I used dumb as a synonym of blind follower or distracted. Of course not everyone is like this, but basic things are distracting us from politics, important events, and economic topics. We use the word economy like it's nothing special; the word economy has been worn out. People say the word without knowing what it means, what supply and demand are, the Phillip's Curve, Stagflation, Real and Nominal GDP, the Keynes Effect, etc...
Anyway, I wasn't intending to call Americans stupid. It was another one of those annoying problems with subjective definitions.
---------- Post added 08-27-2009 at 09:21 PM ----------
About the freedom within a frame of control, I don't mean freedom as an illusion. I mean real freedom, but not pure freedom.