Never Say Never...
Do it Now. You may not get another chance.
I adopted mine from Billy Joel, who when asked how could he deal with losing a woman as beautiful as Christie Brinkley he said,(paraphrasing) "Remember this, it doesn't matter how beautiful a woman is, somewhere there is someone who is tired of their ****!".
Men by nature are dogs. It is however how he resists being a dog that makes him a man.
It's better to trust mistakenly than to distrust unfairly.
If you want something done properly, do it yourself!!
Keep curtain inside the tub while howering
Who needs a shower curtain when you got a king size sheet!!
"Don't trust any bastard"
f*** em, if they can't take a joke
I'll do something about that tomorrow! :wink:
I have a different motto every day. My motto to-day is:
Life is too short to own a lawnmower.
When all else fails, buy perfume!
Thought for today:
Weeding is hard to start but satisfying to do.
The mind is like an umbrella, it only works when it's open
I do too.
'I find it a necessity, that a girl have someone to look better than.'