Pemerson wrote:I've been known to give cash to bums in the street, when they ask.
Lying or not, they must need the cash. Begging isn't fun.
I have too. I have played with that concept, of giving away $$ whether it is asked, or not,
when I 'm in the mood. I have refused many times, when I was not in the mood.
A few times, I gave several $$ to bums that were collecting cans
and bottles for 5 cents @; that was devoid of hedonic effect.
Thay accepted the $$ the same as if I 'd given them a newspaper from last week.
Each of those $$ was worth 20 cans or bottles;
saved them time and work. Thay did not care.
Another time, a black bum approached me n asked for $7
to buy a pint his alcohol of choice: I gave it to him.
This was not a robbery.
I was not threatened.
One night in 1969, I was in midtown Manhattan c.1 AM,
when I saw a young lad and girl walking along 8th Ave.
The lad was apologizing for falling short financially,
leaving them stranded. He requested a hand out from me.
I brushed him off, and then had qualms of conscience.
I unsuccessfully sought to find them there a bit later.
A few years later, and a few blocks away,
thay found me again. Same story. I gave them what thay asked.
Again, this was not a robbery.
Sometimes, I throw dimes n quarters etc,
to children who don't expect it, for hedonic purposes.
I have dropped them in the grass below, from passing hot air balloons; like an Easter Egg hunt.