Sat 1 Nov, 2003 06:49 am
I have a milliion things i ought to be sorting out and i don't want to make a start so...
...just a few minutes on A2K, read a bit, have a cup of tea, play with the cat, phone a friend ....
... oh dear haven't go time to start now..
Right now I'm delaying. Later I'll procrastinate.
I clean, unless I'm trying to put off cleaning. Then napping is in order.
I'm well-rested. :-D
I do what any rational, semi-intelligent human being would do. I immediately convince myself that this is something that isn't really hanging fire. It'll get done ...later. I love weekends for this very reason. Almost everything that actually is hanging fire isn't really due until Monday anyway. So why should I worry about it until late Sunday. Then, Sunday comes and I'll decide that it's really too late to tackle it now. Need to rest up for Monday. A2K is a great excuse, btw. I mean, it's not like I'm just sitting there, doing nothing, is it?
(For those interested in these things, Abuzz has been down last couple of days.)
I'll do it tonight when I come back. Honest.
I'll come back in a little while to answer this, I have to watch Matrix Reloaded ..... hang on!