Guinea hens are the spawn of Satan, and deserve to be slaughtered and eaten.
This is the spawn of Satan? What color is the sky in your world, Cav?
That would indeed be the one, gustav. Noisy Motherf---ers with a bad attitude....
They do have a certain arrogance about them, don't they?
Yep. Don't keep the males with your roosters either. They will run them ragged, and keep them away from their food and water. That's just not nice.
Peacocks are the worst. In my personal experience, peahens make no noticeable ruckus. I once lived down the road from a farm, at which the wife kept French hens (they lay green eggs, and she committed highway robbery selling them to the "natural food" shops, who gouged their gullible customers for them). But she also kept guinea fowl, and peacocks and peahens. The ruckus, from sunrise on, was awful, and i was a quarter of a mile away.
Guinea hens are verra verra annoying. One got away from the Riverdale Zoo and sat in the tree outside my apartment for a few days, some years ago. No one could sleep from the horrid, incessant noise.
Good guard birds, though. Friends who had a poultry farm kept them for just that purpose.
Geese make good guard birds too.
Saved Rome and all.
The many noteable warning thumpings of wabbits remain unsung, however.
We coneys are a humble folk.
Geese saved Rome? Hmm....didn't protect them against the Visigoths and what not, I think....
When I was working at Eigensinn Farm, a guinea fowl killed a rabbit, and we had to eat it. How's that for spawn of Satan, bunny?
Lord forgive it, for it knew not what it did.
Look - Rome didn't WANNA be saved by then - we fauna can only do so much - after that you peepuls (and goddamn clowns and dogs) ar eon your own....
I dunno what ehBeth is on about with dat....
On another note, if this is the crap rabbits write, oy vey! You are clearly a troubled species....
From the album "Rabbit Songs"
when i was drinking
when i was with you
living it up when the rent was due
with nothing and no one to live up to
you and me dying on the vine
holding hands and drinking wine
now i'm not the same girl i left behind with you
twelve bars behind us
and twelve bars to go
bottles of beer lined up in a row
one for each hour you didn't show
you and me dying everyday
getting high just to pass away
but that's not the reason i couldn't stay with you
now i am sober
now i'm alone
three years have gone by since you have gone
letting you go
letting me go on
but i'll raise a glass now to you and me
to to lift me higher so i can see
which of these blessings are killing me