You beat even me with the unibrow syndrome -AND my son:

When my son was born it was just after they had that baby switching case down in Florida and every time they took him out of the room, I was panicked worrying that I wouldn't get my 'real' baby back - but as he grew and developed, I would look at his eyebrows and eyes and jawline and say to myself, 'Yep - he's definitely mine.'
I used to hate my eyebrows and when I doodled in highschool, I'd always draw eyes with very arched and defined eyebrows - but when a friend actually tweezed my eyebrows for me like that - YUCK- it didn't look right, and I felt like I'd been scalped and denuded - naked, and it hurt like hell - so that was the end of that.
Now I just wear bangs- the picture above is actually one of the few I have of myself that you can see my eyebrows not covered by bangs.
I agree with Roberta - nature usually knows best.
I used to have to treeze over the bridge of my nose - no longer - I think thirty years of tweezing has inhibited growth there - but as for the rest of my brow - let's put it this way, I can't imagine ever having to get brows tattooed on. I have plenty.
My son tweezes his unibrow, and actually other than that - has very nicely shaped brows. They go with his eyes and face perfectly.
In terms of my 'thing'- what I spend money on - it's food, plants, music and travel.
I've never had a manicure or pedicure- never paid someone to tweeze or wax my eyebrows. I do pay someone to cut my hair but that's only about once every three months. I don't spend money on make-up - I borrow my daughter's on the few occasions I wear it.
And I don't buy it for her - she buys her own.
I do like clothes - but hate to shop so I usually just wear what I have until it's unwearable.
Oh, I also like dishes for some reason - I don't know why.
But yeah, if it were a choice between a manicure and a pretty plate - I'd spend the money on the plate.