Sun 28 Mar, 2010 07:59 pm
I purchased a Rainsoft Gold Series softener system 8 years ago and when I moved 6 years ago, I had my local Rainsoft tech set it up at my new home. He recommended that I add a Carbon tank due to the amout of chlorine in the water, so I did. He also replaced the Resin, or added some beads, not sure. I am very happy with the condition of the water.
However, I get calls every other month from a Rainsoft representive to let me know that it is time for maintenance. When I ask them what needs to be serviced, they go into a long speach about gears, lubercant, timer adjustment.... Then I tell them that I have a computerized system and they pause, then change the maintenance to Resin replacement due to wear. So I am naturaly skeptical --- but they are the only local Rainsoft techs... When I purchased the system, I was told that Rainsoft systems use the highest quality resin beads that never need replacement and that the system is maintenance free with the exception of adding salt... The systems seems to work perfectly, backflushing on schedule, alerting when Salt is low, and the water quality is top notch... I can not find a Rainsoft maintenance schedule on the Internet.
So do Resin beads wear out?
How would I know when to replace the Resin?
Where can I get a copy of the recommended Rainsoft maintenance schedule?Thanks
So do Resin beads wear out?
as far as I know Rainsoft uses a proprietary resin that should never need replaced.
How would I know when to replace the Resin?
every once in a while the resin could break down and turn to mush, the water presure in the house would drop to nothing and bypassing the system would tell you if it was the resin or some other problem.
Where can I get a copy of the recommended Rainsoft maintenance schedule?
as far as I know there is no "normal" maintenance schedule for the whole house systems, although some customers like the idea of an annual check up. My feelings are "if it ain't broke , don't fix it".
Thanks Joe, that is my take as well. I am sure the Rainsoft rep would enjoy the added income of replacing something that is not broke...
Since this was posted in March you may never read the response, but I will give you my response anyway.
We installed a rainsoft computerized system about 10 years ago. We HAVE had to replace the resin once and are looking to do it a second time.

The first time we did it was because we noticed a horrible change in our water quality. Water sometimes would come out orange or yellow at the least. Then we noticed decreased pressure in the shower. On bypass we had no of these issues. Called out the tech when decided it was the resin. Replaced it to the tune of about $350. At the time of the resin replacement, the tech said that most people with city water get about 4 years out of the resin.
Now it is about 5 years after we last replaced the resin and we are looking to have to do it again as we have started to notice yellow water at times again. Hopefully we can find a cheaper way to replace it this time.
you don't say if you have a carbon tank on the front end or not. Do you see the drop in pressure ? If no pressure drop, and you have a carbon tank, I'd put a cup of regly bleach in the brine tank and hit regen. The carbon tank on the front end removes the chlorine, and could allow bacteria to grow on the resin , effecting the efficiency of the unit. There are only a couple of cases where I replace the resin, one being a huge drop in pressure through the system(resin has failed and turned into a mush like substance and is covered under the warranty, except for a service call>) , The other is usually due to a high level of some type of bacteria build up on the resin from a well, rendering the resin impossible to clean.
Joe I am looking at buying a used Gold series softener. The model is qrs844sh and the electronics are model aqc75cz. It was originally installed in 2003 and used until 2006. After that it was placed in bypass and disconneccted shortly after that. What should I do to test the system? Should I have the carbon tank replaced? What should I look out for? I appreciate your help if you are still on this site. Thank you.
RainSoft uses two different resins, one was once called Ion X-100 and I'm sure it goes by another name by now.
It's a hard resin that won't turn to mush... it's good stuff and it is the most common resin found in RainSoft tanks,
but it is not a proprietary item like they say it is. The other was known as their D resin, it's good stuff, but it will
break down and turn to mush especially if it's exposed to high amounts of chlorine. I have Ion X-100 that's been in
service 24/7 for over 25 years and it's sill working.
Iron bound resin is resin that usually needs to be replaced, this happens because the sales person did not put the
correct equipment ahead of the softener. If you want water that is soft you always make the softener the last tank.
akronenb wrote:
Joe I am looking at buying a used Gold series softener. The model is qrs844sh and the electronics are model aqc75cz. It was originally installed in 2003 and used until 2006. After that it was placed in bypass and disconneccted shortly after that. What should I do to test the system? Should I have the carbon tank replaced? What should I look out for? I appreciate your help if you are still on this site. Thank you.
Check all visible O rings for cracking, replace as needed.
The carbon should be changed every 36 months or so.
Does the carbon tank have a back washing control valve?
I have had my Rain-soft system since 1990. I am just now looking at replacing my bead bed because i am seeing beads and carbon in my toilet tank. eventually the water will be HARD. Service interval once a year. Even though it is computerized there are o rings in the valves that need to be lubed or replaced. if you have reverse osmosis as I do, there are 4 filters but 3 that need replacement. The 4th is the membrane filter it normally last 5yrs but mine lasted 10yrs. As the membrane gets clogged your osmosis water amount will decrease until it is zero. Beads do wear out there not forever. According to a Rain-soft authorized service tech they don't replace the Carbon only the beads. The old Carbon and Beads get dumped