Mon 22 Mar, 2010 04:20 am
can someone please help. 72. across, Airport department - c?s?o?s.
8. down, Dealer's mark on stamp-?a?h?t
90.down, Call to prayer at mosque, is the answer - azan.
Also, in the Goliathon 43. down. Baas, b??a?s
Thanks, I was thinking baas = boss, wasn't thinking of baas as in sheep. Must be getting old.
Have you thought perhapsto buy an electronic crossword solver,there absolutely great,a boon to a bad speller and also l have a site called The Crossword Solver,gives proper spelling and also the meaning of the word which helps when one has a rather tricky clue,try and find it,not sure how to get it as it was set up for me by my son,he also bought me my first electronic solver. Good luck. :-> :->
Ok, thanks for the tip , Margsy.
Hi barby and margsy.
Here are a couple of sites that I use, may come in handy sometimes.