aidan wrote:
Boris Kitten - have you always used jojoba oil on your neck too? Your skin (and eyes) are beautiful! I think I'm about your age and the skin on my face is pretty good, because I've always moisturized, stayed out of the sun (I burn), etc...but my neck is starting to show signs of age-more wrinkles there than anyplace else. I notice your neck is still very smooth- do you attribute that to the jojoba oil.
Do you think if I started using that stuff on my neck now, it would reduce the signs of age - or do you think it's too late?
Again - you have beautiful skin. I'd listen to what you have to say about skincare.
Thanks for making the video.
Aw, thank you so much for the wonderful compliments!
I've only used Jojoba Oil for, oh, about a year now; and yeah, I use it on my neck too.
And wow, did I screw up skincare as a younger woman! Not only did I smoke (and still do), but spent oodles of time in the sun... back in the 1970's, well, it was just the thing to do. I grew up in Florida, no less, so there was plenty of sun to fry me, too.
I'm surprised, given all this, my skin isn't
much worse than it is!
I think the only thing that saved my skin from my actions was genetics, honestly. My skin is quite oily, and I tan easily, rarely burn; my mother is 79 and her skin still looks darned good!
Anyway... I
have noticed my neck is less wrinkly since I started using the Jojoba Oil. Why not try it?