Having read all the opinions in
Citizens United v. FEC -- and there were a lot of them -- I would side with the opinion of the Court. As they stood, the relevant parts of
McCain-Feingold did a bad job of protecting America's democracy against corruption, and were overbroad in the speech they prohibited.
But there's a more important point to make about those opinions: Both Kennedy's opinion of the Court and Stevens's dissent were
reasonable. Neither interpretation of the First Amendment justifies the sheer amount of noise that has erupted around these opinions. That goes both for your hyperbole about "anti-freedom liberals", and for other voices whining about the "precedent-slashing" opinion of "the radical-right-wing court".
I emphatically recommend that everyone take a chill pill and read the opinion they
don't like. Mongering generalities is pointless.
I 've gotta say, Thomas: u command my respect,
regardless of our earlier (and future) disagreements,
both as to your powers of intellect and your willingness
to abstain from
ad hominem reasoning.
I admire your tight focus of analysis upon
the message,
rather than upon the merits or shortcomings of the messenger.
In that virtue,
u outclass most of the posters on this board, including me.
Permit me to reveal that my choice of descriptive words
(qua "anti-freedom liberals") was born of some resentment
of the violence that liberals' philosophy has inflicted upon
and against freedom in the American way of life, since the
earliest years of the 1900s, obviously increasing in the 1930s.
I love, I yearn for, and I champion
(to the modest extent that my voice can reach)
laissez faire free enterprize, begruding liberal curtailments
and subversion thereof.
By my choice of descriptive words in my opening paragraf,
(and elsewhere) I inflict an
infinitesimal vengeance for liberals' rape
of the Constitution in very numerous ways that have elicited
my pain, abhorence and alarm. As per your advice, I have now taken my chill pill
and I have enjoyed reading the defeated liberals' assertions.