A couple of years ago I took some shots of the Boca Raton train station which has been turned into a museum. The rolling stock is from the Atlantic Coast line
Danon, my take is from an art viewpoint, although I also have train nostalgia, and appreciate all the photos of tickets, and I'm not just saying so. I like it all, bring it on...
osso, I told my Mom a few yrs ago that I was a Pearl Harbor baby - of course that's '41 --- she said no you aren't. I said that the old man must have gotten very nervous when the Pearl Harbor attack occurred because I was born exactly NINE months later!! She thought quietly about it and said nothing else - but, smiled.
Here's a poster of a circus train with the elephants doing the work. I actually saw this done when I was on the T & P out in W Texas. Also, may be of interest, my avatar is on Emmett Kelly Sr. one of the world's most famous clowns who was with the Ringling Bros Barn' and Bailey Circus. As a kid he actually came up to me - took my tiny hand and pretended to be sad. Then he took his broom out to the rings and pretended to sweep up after the other acts.
Thats a real art deco thingy there danon. I recall when the Reading Lines had a few of the old engines with those "Nose bubbles" and fins (I think that Raymond Lowey actually designed them). When I was a kid they had several engines being dismantled at the rail shops and these nose bubbles were gonna be used by a church for a lecturn in a large hall