Mon 17 Aug, 2009 07:49 pm
I have looked everywhere online for a toy red phone on wheels just like the one in the churchill insurance advert as my grandson is daft on it but cannot find one anywhere. Can anyone suggest anywhere this could be purchased online please.
Is it this phone?
I don't know where to find it but I want to know that I'm looking for the right phone.
That's probably an advertising prop.
Could you make one?
It wasn't Churchill; that was a toy dog, the red phone was Direct Line.
Oh my god im also looking for a phone like this for my baby, hes mad about that TV advert! Has anyone had any luck finding one?
omg!!!! ive got a 6months old who is also obessed with the advert!! did you have any luck in finding a phone as im also looking for one!?? shaley