Sat 15 Aug, 2009 04:48 am
Imbroglio H-wdo-o-do
Us Gove Green Agence E-A
Bafta Winner -r-o-
Lamps gas Jet Cover Ma-tie
Harry Potter Objective Sn-sch
Germanic Language -a-oj
Jousting Grounds La-t-
Hebrew Prophey -m--
Imbroglio H-wdo-o-do Howdoyoudo (how-do-you-do)
Us Gove Green Agence E-A EPA (Environment protection Agency)
Bafta Winner -r-o- (Brown, June?)
Lamps gas Jet Cover Ma-tie
Harry Potter Objective Sn-sch Snitch
Germanic Language -a-oj
Jousting Grounds La-t-
Hebrew Prophey -m-- Amos
Lamps gas Jet Cover Mantle
I have
Howdoyoudo -Imbroglio
EPA - Env. agency
Arkin - BAFTA winner
Mantle - gas jet cover
Snitch - H Potter objective, the Quidditch ball
Lists - Jousting grounds
Amos - Hebrew prophet
Good luck
thanks just stuck on 2 now
Germanic Language -a-oj
Graphics File Type EP-
Graphics File Type EP- EPS (encapsulated post script).
Saxon, try Minorca for Balearic isle
cheers thought the j at the end seemed wrong i amdone
BAFTA winner Arkin
lamp gas jet cover mantie
Hebrew prophet amos