Sun 9 Aug, 2009 11:03 am
Really stuck on this is it hard please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
1a Geometric Shape --l-b-n (7)
5a Beanie Ball P------ (7)
28a Giant Woody Grass B----z (6)
75a Us Confederate Soldiers Johnny -ebs
79a Toupees (10)
132a Ramses 3rds foes Red Pe-p-e-
136a Prancing Clumsily G----phing (10)
203a Remotest part of -e-t-s (6)
239a Minerals rating m-h- scale of
255a Pulse -unt-l (6)
1d Bitumen --t-d (5)
6d Explosive Firework ----rd (6)
7d Bombay -u---i (6)
165d Loan Contract i-e (3)
168d Jolted -a-re- (5)
170d So be it a-en (4)
238d Pithy Maxims ---mos (6)
1a Geometric Shape --l-b-n (7) -Polygon
5a Beanie Ball P------ (7)
28a Giant Woody Grass B----z (6) Bamboo
75a Us Confederate Soldiers Johnny -ebs Rebs
79a Toupees (10) Hairpieces
132a Ramses 3rds foes Red Pe-p-e-
136a Prancing Clumsily G----phing (10) Galumphing
203a Remotest part of -e-t-s (6)
239a Minerals rating m-h- scale of Mohs
255a Pulse -unt-l (6)
1d Bitumen --t-d (5) bitty
6d Explosive Firework ----rd (6) Petard
7d Bombay -u---i (6) Mumbai
165d Loan Contract i-e (3)
168d Jolted -a-re- (5)
170d So be it a-en (4) Amen
238d Pithy Maxims ---mos (6) Mottos
I have just started solving this and so far I have 1d Pitch (20a Tachometer and 32a Hues) 5a Pompom. More later
thanks hopefully more later
255a Lentil
165d IOU
238d Gnomes
These are the remaining answers. I still need to recheck them. Hope they help. Good luck
rameses foes are the SEA PEOPLES