Apology accepted Wandel and thank you. I have never regarded you as one who enjoyed hurting people or who was hatefully intolerant of those different from themselves or who went out of his/her way to belittle or demean others. So while I can profoundly disagree with you, I can still respect you. I didn't have you on ignore.
But if you only respond when there is common ground, how does one ever expand his/her perspective? I get frustrated at those who condemn the opinion of others or condemn others for their opinions, but who can never seem to find the words to defend their own point of view. I debate politics partly to prove to myself that I can defend my point of view and partly because I think sound policy and values to be critical to the health and well being of the nation.
My conservatism thread that seems to antagonize so many of you and prompted this thread was created in hope for some real conversations to happen. I keep hoping the numbnuts will get tired of trying to prevent that. Maybe some might even finally decide to join in.
But each to his/her own poison.