I come from an area that has a lot of Amish area and amongst the Amish if you're not Amish you're considered a 'gentile'.' A friend of Jewish descent who moved to the area when told that the Amish considered him a gentile remarked "Finally!"
Second story
Where I live now has a neighborhood of orthodox Jews that tend to wear black (men black suits and hat women black frocks and scarves). In the grocery store last week I was standing behind an elderly man in his suit and black broadbrimmed hat that was quite similat to the ones worn by the Amish. As we were standing in a rather long line we staqrted conversing and I told him of my former experience and the similarities of the hats, but then I added that I could see he was not Amish because of his mustasch---so he must also be a gentile . Ho too laughed, good to see that religion does not quash humor .
Mr I was reaised as a Unitarian Universalist--The nearest thing to a Unitarian dogma is one God at most.
Quote: the true test od any religion is the jokes it tells on itself-G.K. Chesterton