Thu 4 Jun, 2009 08:47 am
can anyone help with last two 124d gutter-press journal r?c and107d displaced-beat (music) ? s??c?e?t?d
any help will be very much appreciated thankyou
These look like they might be
Needing help please
40a. One Hundredth of a yuan - ??n
62a. Now Democratic republic of Congo - ?a?r? - ids it Zaire??
59a. Lethal nerve gas - ???in - is it Sarin??
91a. Canal-side path - ?e??
162a, Sword knob hilt - G?o?p
14d. Unanticipated - U?H??e???r
39a. Early plant taxonomist - Carl Lin???us
70d. Brahmaputra teagrowing - As?a?
85d. Lute-shaped medieval instrument - re?ec
91d. Prohibition - ?ir
98d. Southern Sudanese tribesperson - Nu?a
108a. Sacred Mt near Beijing - t?i
Hi sweda,
these are the answers that i have hope these help
40a fen
62a Zaire
59a sarin
91a berm
163d pommel
14d unhoped for
39a linnaeus
70d assam
85d rebec
91d bar
98 nuba
108a Tai
Thanks for your help but I forgot the following
162a, Sword knob hilt - G?o?p