Setanta wrote:
OK, here it is. For years, for time out of mind, the rightwingnuts have been telling us we're socialist, commies, the red menace reborn in America. Now, they're telling us were Nazis. Now they're talking about re-education camps, but that's a commie scam--so how does that make us Nazis?
Help me out here, goys and birls, was gibt?
Possibly, it is based on the thought that Facism includes an alliance between large national corporations and the government? I am thinking of I.G. Farben.
In every country that was occupied by the Nazis, I.G. Farben took the companies that could be merged with I.G. Farben. This happened early on with the Anschluss.
In a book I read decades ago, Auschwitz was an I.G. Farben factory, according to the photo, in the book, of the Auschwitz blue prints.
But getting back to the initial thought, it is that alliance with corporate America for purposes of the bail-out, etc., that I believe is raising the suspicions of some conservatives, not to mention that some of the ultra left-wing today seem to some, on the conservative right, as though they may be accepting to have the masses controlled to a degree that we do not remember in this country. The idea of getting rid of guns would be new. The idea of having abortion on demand would be new. The idea of thinking of combat vets as possible right-wing extremists would be new. The idea of being less a priori backing Israel would be new. The idea of gay-marriage being codified into law would be new.
I also have had the thought that abortion on demand, if codified into federal law, can raise the specter in the future of eugenics (gee, who was into eugenics?) as medical science advances in its knowledge of our genome, and merges with some sort of genetic testing, either in utero, or of parents, to allow for customizing one's child. I mean, if in utero testing can determine that there is a higher statistical chance for a child possibly being lgbt/dark complected/very short/emotionally-intellectually challenged, or any number of traits parents would prefer not be in a child of theirs, it would be easy then to abort, and start again with another pregnancy. In effect, freedom to customize one's child, since children, I believe, often reflect the legacy thinking of many a parent. Republicans would never codify abortion on demand into federal law. Why would Democrats, possibly?
I do not think those that would value the innovations of this administration as having any leanings towards Fascism. I just would not feel comfortable with anyone that would value this administration's innovations, since I think these innovations can come back to bite us, so to speak, and I am wary of anyone that may think that this administration's bandwagon is like Moses coming down from Mount Sinai.