Eddy-B wrote:Republicans do all the things they are protesting.
True enough, but despite the fact that the linked article was written by someone cited as a "Republican Political Commentator, the Tea Parties are not being organized by the GOP. Unfortunately, I will be out of the country next week and unable to attended our local event, but I was involved in the initial planning. This one, at least, is a grass roots endeavor that was pretty spontaneous in it emergence, and not driven by members of the local Republican party.
I can tell you that among the early planners, there was a general consensus that Republicans had let us down during the six years they controlled both the Executive and Legislative branches, and this event should not be a Republican Party rally.
Eddy-B wrote: It is just politics to be yapping like yorkies at Obama's heels this way.
It's interesting how cynical you have become in regards to grass roots expressions of popular concerns and wishes, but I guess they're only legitimate when they reflect positions with which you agree. Yo, ed?