The graphic novel "Watchmen" is one of my favorite pieces of writing of all time, my favorite graphic novel of all time hands down. It's based around ideas of moral absolutes (Rorschach) versus utilitarianism (Veidt, Manhattan), humanity and it's possible extinction, nuclear war and the cold war, and superheroes. Dr. Manhattan is one of my favorite characters of all time and all of the characters had extreme amounts of depth in their conception and their values, the book is extremely controversial, did I mention there's super heroes?
What more could you want?
Oh, also, I'd like to talk about the book vs. movie idea. While the book is obviously better in terms of symbolism and dialogue etc, simply because it's a book and not a movie, which did you prefer?
The comic one where Veidt created a biologically engineered super-octopus that explodes, or the movie where Veidt harnessed Manhattan's energy to destroy key areas of the world?
I personally preferred the movie idea (despite being a die-hard books>movies fan), because it used prior details (Manhattan's work with Veidt) instead of throwing something random in. Also, I think the symbolism of it being a non-biological weapon gives a greater affect. Okay, what I really think I was just trying to say was I think making super-alien-octopus-exploder-bomb is just stupid and sounding smart about it.