Mon 9 Mar, 2009 12:02 pm
34a pack a pickle
35a Finished equal last in race
Need answers to both if anyone can please help
Hi ecyoj
You must have the UK edition as I haven't seen anything like it down under. Could you please tell me how many letters each word consists of, and the letters you already have, that would help quite a lot thanks.
Hello Dutchy
Don,t know if reply has gone through but if not -
34a we have ?a?
35a we have ?o?p?e?e
hope I press the right button
Hi ecyoj
Thanks for that.
I suggest the answer for 'pack a pickle' is JAM. The latter is a synonym for both pack and pickle.
For 'finished equal last in race' I suggest COMPLETE. Again the latter is a synonym for both finished and last.
Hope this helps.
Hello Dutchy
Many thanks just brilliant - can slle peaceful tonight